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Car accidents lawyers near me | Traffic accidents law firm in CA

Personal Injury

Reducing The Stress Of Traffic Accidents For Over 50 Years


Southern California’s highways are notoriously busy, creating an ever-present risk of a serious motor vehicle accident. If you or someone you love was recently injured in a traffic accident, the attorneys at Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee, LLP, are here for you.

Our lawyers have dedicated themselves to protecting the rights of injury victims. We work hard to recover the damages you deserve to help ease the financial burdens you and your family may be facing after a serious car, truck or other type of motor vehicle accident.


Workers’ Compensation And Work-Related Crashes


Workers are frequently asked to commute as part of their jobs. This is especially true for police officers, firefighters and other public safety employees. When a collision occurs while you are on the job, you are entitled to workers’ compensation. This is true regardless of who is ultimately at fault due to California’s no-fault status. If you need help filing for workers’ compensation or appealing a denial, our attorneys have been aiding injured public sector workers since 1971.

If a third party was responsible for the car accident, you may also file a personal injury lawsuit for that party’s negligence. A third-party lawsuit can help you recover damages for pain and suffering and lost future wages, which workers’ compensation does not cover.


We Are Ready To Stand Up To Insurance Companies

Insurance companies may try to offer you a quick settlement that fails to adequately compensate you. Before you speak to the adjuster, it is important to first sit down with one of our attorneys. We will help you understand your rights and will advocate for your needs directly with your insurer.

Contact our Woodland Hills office today to schedule a free consultation. Please call 818-703-6000 or send our team an email.

How Can We Help?
Tell us what happened, and we will be in touch shortly.

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© 2024 by Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee, LLP

Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee LLP | Workers compensation Law
Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee LLP | Workers compensation Law
Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee LLP | Workers compensation Law

20750 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

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Tel: 818-703-6000 / Fax: 818-703-0200

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