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Disability Pensions For Public Employees | LMWS law firm

Disability Pensions For Public Employees

Helping Disabled Public Workers Get The Pension Benefits They Deserve

Public workers who suffered a catastrophic injury may have access to disability retirement benefits. At Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee, LLP, we have helped disabled public workers throughout Southern California recover the benefits they are entitled to receive since our founding in 1971.

Our attorneys have focused a significant portion of our practice to the representation of injured public safety workers. We have worked closely with police officers, firefighters and other state safety members throughout the region. Our lawyers have additional experience providing counsel to members of PERS, LACERA and other similar public retirement systems.


Who Qualifies For Disability Pensions?

Public workers can qualify for a disability pension if they suffered an injury preventing them from fulfilling the essential functions of their job. To determine whether you meet this standard, three separate doctors will evaluate you. It is a good idea to first see your regular physician before applying for disability benefits to ensure you have a stronger initial claim.

The injury that caused the disability does not have to relate to your job to qualify for benefits. Public safety employees and other public sector workers can receive a disability pension for nonservice-connected disabilities. Additionally, individuals can receive both workers’ compensation benefits and disability pension benefits at the same time.


Comprehensive Legal Services For Injured Public Servants

As a full-service disability law firm, we can assist with every aspect of your claim. From the initial application to an appeal of denied benefits, we will be your strongest advocate.

We work hard for our clients because we care about their long-term well-being. We understand how important these benefits are for you and your family, and we do what is needed to better insure justice is fulfilled for you.

Contact Our Woodland Hills Office

Applying for disability benefits is a complicated process. We will work closely with you to help you understand your options and secure the benefits you need.

We invite you to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation initial consultation with our team. Please call 818-703-6000 or by using our contact form.

How Can We Help?
Tell us what happened, and we will be in touch shortly.

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© 2024 by Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee, LLP

Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee LLP | Workers compensation Law
Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee LLP | Workers compensation Law
Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee LLP | Workers compensation Law

20750 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

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Tel: 818-703-6000 / Fax: 818-703-0200

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